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Tutoring Works

An Impaq Support Centre


      Learn about us

Established in 2004, Tutoring Works is located on the border between Krugersdorp and Roodepoort, Ontdekkers Road.


The transformative learning experiences at Tutoring Works are designed to help our students grow both in and out of the classroom.


Our passionate and skilled tutors are here to help our students reach their goals. Are you ready to reach your potential? Join us!






Academics at Tutoring Works


Tutoring Works het die afgelope 10 jaar n 100% slaagsyfer, waaronder n Graad 12 leerling, wat in 2016 twee onderskeidings en n gemiddeld van 78% behaal het. Hy studeer tans Forensiese Rekeniningkunde aan NWU. Tutoring Works is n geregistreerde Impaq eksamenlokaal en is gemagtig om Graad 12 se mondelinge assessering af te neem. Klasse is klein, sodat leerlinge individuele aandag ontvang en derhalwe optimaal vordering kan maak. Daar kan ook getuig word van groot sukses behaal met leerlinge wat leerprobleme ondervind. 


Impaq is ons kurrikulumverskaffer. Besoek gerus  hul webtuiste vir die verskillende opsies beskikbaar.


Tutoring Works has a 100% pass rate for the past 10 years. In 2016 Tutoring Works yielded a grade 12 pupil who attained two distinctions and an average of 78%. He is currently studying at NWU Forensic Accountancy. Tutoring Works is a registered Impaq examination centre and is authorised for evaluating  Grade 12 Oral assessments. Classes are small for individual attention which is needed for optimal development. We can testify of great success achieved concerning pupils experiencing learning disabilities.


Impaq is our curriculum provider. You can get more information about the different options available at



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